

Integrated Rural Development in Latin America

Autor:  Lacroix, Richard LLugar y Editorial:  Washington. Banco MundialFecha:&nb..

Integrating Nutrution into Agricultural and Rural Development Projects

Autor:  FAOLugar y Editorial:  RomaFecha:  1982Biblioteca:  JLSNú..

Intellectual Proverty Rights for Agricultural Biotechnology

Autor:  Van Wijk, Jeroen et alLugar y Editorial:  Holanda. ISNAR Fecha:&nbs..

Inter-American Meeting on Livestock Production

Autor:  Phillips, Ralph WLugar y Editorial:  Washington, D.CFecha:  19..

Interactions of Science and Technology in the Innovative Process Some case Studies

Autor:  Battelle Columbus LaboratoriesLugar y Editorial:  ColumbusFecha: &n..

Interest Groups and the Demand for Agricultural Research

Autor:  Guttman, Joel MLugar y Editorial:  University of CaliforniaFecha: &..

International Collaboration in the World Coffee Market

Autor:  Wickizer, Vernon DLugar y Editorial:  Food Research Institute StudiesFec..

International Cooperation in Agroforestry

Autor: Chandler, Trevor y Spurgeon, DavidLugar y Editorial: Nairobi, KenyaFecha: 1979..

International Symposium on The Challenge of Rural Poverty How to Meet it

Autor:  FAOLugar y Editorial:  Federal Republic of GermanyFecha:  1987..