

The Political Economies of Central America: Foreign Aid and Labour Remittances

Autor:  Kaimowitz, DavidLugar y Editorial:  London. Development and Change Vol.2..

The Political Economy Central America Since 1920

Autor:  Bulmer-Thomas, VíctorLugar y Editorial:  Cambridge University PressFecha..

The Political Economy of Growth

Autor:  Baran,  Paul ALugar y Editorial:  New York.Fecha:  1957Bi..

The Politics and Economics of Public Spending

Autor:  Schultze, Charles LLugar y Editorial:  Washington D.CFecha:  1..

The Politics of Redistribution in Latin America

Autor:  Ascher, WilliamLugar y Editorial:  Cambridge. Harvard University PressFe..

The Poverty of Development Economics

Autor:  Lal, DeepakLugar y Editorial:  Londres. The Institute of Economic Affrai..

The Poverty of Development Economics

Autor: Deepak, Lal Lugar y Editorial:  Londres. The Institute of Economic Affair..

The Premise and the Promise: Free Trade in the Americas

Autor:  Saborio, SylviaLugar y Editorial:  New York.Fecha:  1992Biblio..